Title: Professional Meeting Management
Type: In-House Programme
Duration: 1.5 Days over 2 Weeks
Programme Structure: 1 Day Face-to-Face Workshop + 2 Weeks Work-Based Practice + Half-Day Face-to-Face Workshop
Course Fees: SGD1,500 per pax (special discounts apply for large groups)
Minimum Group Size: 15 pax
● This course teaches managers the international best-practice for running meetings professionally.
● Meetings are a hidden killer when it comes to productivity. Learning the LEDA Meeting Management process has the following main benefits:
● Stop wasting time in unnecessary meetings
● Achieve all agenda items in the designated time
● Boost staff morale by reducing the time per week spent in meetings so they can complete their primary work
● Day 1 covers the complete LEDA Meeting Management System. The workshop includes training on how to approach all challenges and problems using a structured, repeatable problem-solving system, through the British-Certified LEDA 5-Step Coaching Wheel.
● There is a 2-week interval between Day 1 workshop and Day 2 workshop. During this period we guide managers to embed the learning by running meetings using their new meeting management skills.
● Day 2 is the final half-day of the programme and it includes practical sessions where participants can showcase their new skills and also make practical action plans to embed the best-practice LEDA Meeting Culture within their team.
● The course ends with the presentation of framed certificates for this British-Certified Leadership Development programme.
Meetings often take up more time per week than any other activity in the workplace but most managers are never given any training on how to run them professionally.
This course teaches managers how to run professional, productive and time-efficient meetings that lead to maximum value-adding action taking place and minimum disruption to workflow.
Course Ratings & Reviews
We are very proud of the consistently high feedback scores we achieve and the way this programme positively impacts companies and their managers.
Clients for our British-Certified programmes include: